How To Get The Most Out of Your Virtual Visit With Nice

In order to have a productive visit, we recommend treating your virtual visit just like any other medical appointment. Here are some tips to make sure your visit is as productive as possible: 

  1. Avoid multitasking.

    Driving, working, grocery shopping, exercising, or engaging in other activities during your virtual visit could be distracting for you and your provider, and it may interfere with your treatment. So save other activities for after your appointment.

  2. Find a private, well-lit location.

    Choose a quiet, private place for your visit so you can speak freely and your provider can clearly hear you. Also, make sure to have adequate lighting for your visit, as your provider may need to examine you for symptoms.

  3. Make sure you have a good internet connection.

    Your clinician needs to hear your health concerns and will be giving you vital information, so you don’t want to get disconnected. Check your equipment and make sure your connection is stable and secure beforehand. 

  4. Write down symptoms or concerns ahead of time.

    If you’ve got multiple symptoms or questions for your clinician, having a list before your virtual visit will make sure you address all of your concerns. 

Following these tips will make sure your virtual visit is both productive and beneficial, giving you the treatment you need.


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