Rx and Pharmacy Services
As part of Nice’s mission to be a fully integrated healthcare clinic, Nice is able to support patients with most of their medication needs. Not only can Nice clinicians prescribe medications for patients, 550+ of them are free to patients when prescribed by a Nice clinician.
What’s Included?
Nice clinicians prescribe medications to patients
550+ Free Medications
550+ of those medications are free to patients
60,000 Pharmacies
Nice works with a network of over 60,000 U.S pharmacies
Rx Management
Maximizing the effectiveness of all your medications
Free Medication Search
Though Nice prescribes a broad set of medications just like any other clinic, we also provide an additional set of medications to you free of charge. To see if a specific medication is offered by Nice for free, search in the box below or talk to your clinician in your next visit.
Find a Pharmacy Near You
Use this tool to find an in-network pharmacy where you can fill a Nice-prescribed prescription. Simply enter your desired location (city, zip code, etc.) into the search bar below.
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Rx and Pharmacy FAQ:
Nice does not prescribe controlled substances. Additionally, there are a few medications that Nice is unable to prescribe based on regulations or monitoring such as antipsychotics, muscle relaxants, gabapentin and medications for erectile dysfunction. However, we encourage an appointment with a clinician to discuss options and steps forward.
Nice clinicians will only be able to prescribe/refill medications for conditions that are being managed by Nice clinicians. For conditions that are being managed by a specialist, patients should plan on receiving medications and refills through their specialist.
Shortly after your visit with a clinician, a message will be sent to you in the Nice app, detailing the prescription(s) sent, the name of the pharmacy along with other important information, so you may pick up your medication. When you arrive at the pharmacy, present the Nice Rx card to the pharmacist at check-out.
If the pharmacy states that your medication isn’t covered, do NOT pay out of pocket. Please contact us using the Nice app or through the Patient Support form for further assistance.
No, the Nice Rx card can only be used for covered medications that are managed and prescribed by Nice clinicians. Use the Free Medication Search tool on this page to see if your medication is available.
To ensure the best use of your Nice Rx card, please note that it is accepted at a wide range of pharmacies, excluding Walgreens. Use the Pharmacy Locator tool above to confirm if a specific pharmacy is within our network.
No, Nice clinicians are only able to prescribe medications deemed necessary for a condition they have diagnosed within a virtual or in-person visit conducted by Nice.
Nice Healthcare clinicians are unable to prescribe medications or medical supplies to Medicaid beneficiaries. Please reach out to one of our team members if you have additional questions.