Nice Moments with ACR Homes

Nice Moments with ACR Homes - Nice Healthcare

Successful organizations prioritize their teams’ health. That’s why ACR Homes does whatever it can to give its employees high-quality health coverage and keep premiums as low as possible…which made adding Nice Healthcare to their benefits package an easy decision.

We sat down with Gene Leistico, COO and Brianna Palkki, Marketing Manager at ACR, to ask them a few questions about their success.

Q: Why did ACR choose Nice Healthcare?

A: ACR Homes is always looking for ways to improve what we offer through our employee benefits. The desire to provide employees with the option to receive primary care in a more convenient, cost-effective, and time-efficient manner led us to seek out Nice Healthcare.

Q: How do your employees feel about it?

A: Employees and their families have been able to get the care they need more easily, as well as saving big on prescription costs. Clinics and urgent care get so backed up. But with Nice, they can get the care they need much quicker–and more conveniently. Nice is really hitting the nail on the head with their mission. 

Q: What kind of feedback have ACR’s employees given about having Nice in addition to their traditional health plan?

A: Employees absolutely love Nice! Throughout the year, management redistributes information about Nice to get more people onboard and has even created employee testimonials to encourage staff to use it. Nice has saved us a ton in healthcare costs–for employees and as an organization. It’s well-used, and everyone agrees it's a lifesaver. 

Our Human Resources and management team love Nice, too. They love Nice’s strong mission, quick response time, openness to feedback, and the fact that Nice is actively improving their services all the time. Saving employees and the organization money, in addition to all its other benefits, makes using Nice a win-win situation.

Q: Is there a positive experience with Nice that sticks out? 

A: Our employees have had many of these experiences. When Palkki’s son had persistent ear infections and needed tubes put in his ears, going to a conventional healthcare clinic was getting expensive…around $200 a visit. Being able to use Nice saved Palkki a lot of money. Plus, it was quicker, so her son could return to daycare sooner, meaning Palkki didn’t need to miss as much work. 

Nice also helped Palkki when she had COVID-19. She has asthma and was dealing with lung issues, and she was worried about pneumonia or an additional infection. Nice was able to bring an X-ray machine right to her home at a time she wouldn't have felt comfortable going to the clinic. 

Palkki has also used Nice’s mental health services on a short-term basis. She found it incredibly helpful to take the pressure off without worrying about a huge bill in the mail. 

Q: Has the value of Nice’s service changed since the pandemic?

A: Since the pandemic, traditional healthcare clinics have gotten even more backed up than they were before. So at times when employees used to go to urgent care, now they know if you don't get there first thing in the morning, they’ll be in the waiting room for hours. And when making an appointment with a conventional healthcare clinic–even a family medicine practice–they’ll have to wait a week or more to get an appointment. That’s why Nice is even more valuable now; you can get the care you need within one to three days, which is significantly faster. 

The chat in the Nice app is great, too. For parents, it removes that immediate health scare since there’s someone available to talk to. Even if you don't receive care immediately, it's on the way, fast.

The last time Palkki’s son was sick, she called every clinic within a 30-minute radius and none had appointments with a pediatrician or family medicine clinician within a week and a half. That didn’t work for her. Nice was able to get her son in with a Nice clinician the same day to address his symptoms and get him feeling better quickly.

Taking care of your employee’s health and well-being is essential for any organization’s success. If you're looking for more reasons to offer convenient, affordable benefits that support your employees’ physical and mental well-being while reducing healthcare costs, check out our white paper on enhancing your employee benefits package.

Learn more about Nice’s virtual and in-home healthcare services by visiting our employer page.


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